Shaped by the Gospel Recapped

In four short videos, the first 6 chapters of "Shaped by the Gospel" is recapped for easy consumption.
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Theological Vision 

The Gospel is Not Everything 

What is Renewal?

The Work of Renewal

What You Will Learn

These 4 short videos are based on the first 6 chapters "Shaped by the Gospel" retold by the speaker in an easy-to-understand and apply way.  

Familiar topics of being gospel-centered will be unpacked 
  • And retold through the gospel lens
  • Distilled into its essence
  • For practical application
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In Partnership with Crossway. Used with permission.
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Excerpts from the Course - What you can expect

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Meet the Speaker

Our guest trainer was raised in a devout Hindu home and later came to Christ. After planting two churches, he worked with Redeemer City to City and helped local leaders plant churches in Urban environments. He was instrumental in initiating a gospel-centered church planting movement in India.

He has also developed a new training paradigm that is being used in Asia and Africa. His passion is for leaders to experience the power of the gospel and apply it to all aspects of their lives. Recently, he started an organization that empowers indigenous leaders multiply disciples and churches in the “10/40 Window”.
Guest Speaker/Trainer Name Withheld
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