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Reflections by Readers in Malaysia
Paul Tripp appeals for a reexamination of our actions and reactions within various communities while reminding us of our identity as ambassadors of our loving and gracious God. He shows us that how we engage and respond to one another, especially in the current fast paced social media, indicates the true values we still adhere to.
Reactivity points to God’s creation for our identity, to the Fruit of the Spirit as God’s value system, Redemption by Grace as God’s purpose and calls us to eavesdrop on eternity to see the truth of our destiny.
— Maureen
Reactivity by Paul David Tripp is full of solid gospel counsel on how we respond to others with wisdom, love, respect, and humility. Tripp directs us to God’s overflowing grace as we interact in a culture prone to outrage. Many of his applications focus social media behavior, but every believer (whether active online or not) can benefit from the biblical principles he lays out for our heart and communication with others.
— Rebecca
Paul Tripp calls out the realities of Christians online interacting in ways that are as abrasive and disparaging as those of non-Christians. Though he is particularly focused on social media, his book applies equally well to any relationships Christians find themselves in. The application of Tripp’s call to live out a life of compassion, mercy and truth-telling-in-love is easy to bridge to the real-life relationships we live with. We all need regular reminders of what it means to lay down our lives and our pride in order to love others as ourselves and this book is that excellent reminder.
— Karen