Planting by Pastoring

A Vision for Starting a Healthy Church

Used with permission. In partnership with Crossway.


Nathan Knight (MDiv, Southeastern Theological Seminary) is a pastor of Restoration Church and serves on the lead team for the Treasuring Christ Together church planting network. He and his wife, Andi, live in Washington, DC, with their two sons. 
As churches rapidly expand, there's a risk that Christians might adopt an entrepreneurial perspective towards the church. Church planters may be tempted to prioritise numerical growth and financial stability as the sole indicators of success, neglecting the essential task of nurturing the spiritual well-being of members within the church.

In Planting by Pastoring, Nathan Knight challenges the prevailing perception of church planting. He underscores the fundamental biblical principle that a church plant is indeed a church, and a planter is essentially a pastor.

The measure of a healthy church plant is not its size, speed, or self-sufficiency, but the quality of pastoring that leads to faith, fruitful outcomes, and a thriving community. By redefining their plant as a church, pastors and church leaders can realign their ministry with Jesus's mission to shepherd the flock and bring glory solely to God.

Incubator - A Course on Church Planting

This is a 9-month program offered by Gospel City Network to serve, train, and develop church planters and mission-minded church leaders who promote church planting in cities like Metro Kuala Lumpur. The course is conducted in-person in Kuala Lumpur.
Additional Resources

1. A Church Planting Story - Free Gospel Bites
This article discusses having a relationship with Jesus as both a King and a friend. It also suggests three ways to cultivate friendship with Christ.

2. How to Build a Healthy Church - Free Ebook

This book urges leaders to examine their motives for ministry and offers practical illustrations of healthy and purposeful leadership.

3. Am I Called to Plant a Church? - Free Ebook

This short book is for you

  • If you would like to know more about church planting
  • If you wonder if you have been called to plant a church or
  • If you have what it takes to plant a church

4. How to Pray for Your Pastor’s Family - Article by Jani Ortlund

God appoints pastors and leaders as His vessels to shepherd His flock. As a member of the body of Christ, would you consider praying for your pastor today? This article shares five examples of how you can pray for your pastor's family.

5. How is a Church Planter Different from a Pastor? - Article by David Whitehead

As the title of the article suggests, this article highlights the difference between a church planter and a pastor. The author clarifies some of these distinctions and explains why they are important in the journey of church planting.

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