Incubator 2023 (Sat)


Equip Leaders to Plant Churches and Lead Healthy Ministries,

Ideal Applicants

Aspiring Planters, Pastors, Elders, and Ministry Leaders


Klang Valley, near Abdullah Hukum LRT


In-Person Sessions with Online Q&A

Time Commitment

One Sat every month, from March-Oct, 2023
10 am - 4:30 pm


March 18th, 2023.  Application  Deadline: 5th March 

What is this program about?

Incubator is a 8-module Course 

This course attempts to serve, train, and develop church planters and mission-minded church leaders who promote church planting in cities like Metro Kuala Lumpur.
Each learning module addresses the specific needs of urban planters, including skills in thinking theologically about ministry, and growth in the various areas of urban ministry. It is  for church planters to go through the program during the critical phase of launching their congregations.

The Cohort gets practical help on writing their action plan, the philosophy of ministry, crucial ministry development, and preaching, among other topics. Ideally, this training is accompanied by coaching to encourage the planters to perform to the maximum extent of their giftedness.

Learning Style

An effective urban church planter / leader must be proficient in 4 critical competency domains:
  • Personal/Interpersonal domain
  • Prophetic domain
  • Priestly domain
  • Kingly domain

  • Personal/Interpersonal domain: Living inter-connectedly with a gospel dynamic 
  • Prophetic domain: Communicating grace and truth in a way that forms and engages disciples
  • Priestly domain: Creating a missional culture
  • Kingly domain: Executing visionary leadership

Each Incubator learning module involves time for peer-to-peer coaching, personal spiritual formation, application of ideas to real-world problems and hands-on training that combines both theology, church planting theory and insights from adult learning theory.

What's included?

8 modules, each with pre-sessions reading/videos and 6 hours of live interactions.

Localized Modules with case studies, ministry exercises, quizzes, and cohort connect.

Each session contains these primary elements:

Theologically Informed Thinking

“Reflective practice” to apply the insights of theology and social sciences to ministry life.

Ministry Exercises

You will be given opportunities to build your Philosophy of Ministry and Action Plans.

Community Building

Gospel dynamics addressing the practicalities of gospel living witih Kingdom-centered prayer

Unique Learning Paths

An exceptional learning experience with flexible learning paths and spiritual guidance awaits.

New Skills Training

Each session is designed to strengthen the core competencies required for church planting.

Coaching and Support

Outstanding features for highly customizable Courses, Units, Lessons, and Quizzes.

Module Overview

1. Developing a Gospel Lens for Ministry
The objective of this first session is to lay out the idea of a theological vision, a term which Richard Lint uses to refer to as the “middle ware” that translates doctrinal foundations to ministry expressions. A theological vision connects doctrinal beliefs with outward, hopeful ministry expressions. Helping church planters understand, work through, and define theological vision is the core work of what GCN tries to do during the Incubator.

2. The Theology of the Gospel
This module focuses on understanding how the work of Jesus Christ changes everything we are and do, as individuals, as a community, and as ministers of God’s grace, as opposed to “just trying harder” to apply biblical principles to our lives. Though the gospel is the life-giving message of redemption that we always preach, as well as the dynamic that causes on-going redemption in our lives and communities, few pastors understand how to consistently apply it to their life and work.

3. Grace Renewal in the Church and Believers
It’s not enough just to understand the gospel; we need to be constantly experiencing the renewing work of Jesus Christ, making us new and sending us as people in his redemptive mission. This is one important area of caring for the church planter’s personal life that cannot be ignored. An effective leader knows how to do self-leadership and self-care before he or she leads others. This module helps participants experience gospel renewal centered around repentance from the reality of indwelling sin (idolatry) as well as joyfully resting in the Father’s adoptive love. It also helps the leaders understand his or her unique leadership style for effective kingdom work.

4. Sharing the Gospel in Relevant Ways to your Church Plant
This module focuses on understanding the unique globalized, urban context in which we live and how that understanding can help us communicate and develop ministry forms which are meaningful to the people we are reaching. Far from ‘capitulating’ to culture or ‘watering down’ the gospel, contextualization aims to make Christ alive and dynamic in the given situation where you are planting your church.

5. Planting Urban Churches – Framework and Models
There is a lot of talk today about “being missional”. Practically, what does that mean for a new church? This module helps participants understand the unique characteristics of ministry in the global city and helps them develop a balanced, missional culture in their church so that the good news of Jesus is expressed in every element of church life and reaches out in holistic ministry.

6. Outreaching and Connecting with Local Community
This module helps learners develop the skill of consistently and winsomely present Christ to others in new situations, so that communicating Christ becomes the culture of the new church. Emphasis is placed on developing “evangelistic pathways” and networks of relationships complemented with kingdom-centered prayer. Through prayers, the gospel renews us for what God is sending us to do.

7. Gracious Conflict Resolution in the Field
In this module, church planters/leaders practice how to understand the conflict and differences of perspective that so commonly disrupts the life of young congregations and how to bring truthful and powerful communication skills to the people they work with. Time is given to practicing how to have gracious and wise “difficult conversations” with a person with whom you need to interact with.

8. Nurturing Disciples and Leaders of Tomorrow
This module helps learners develop skill in understanding how people change through the application of grace and truth as well as how to develop programs for spiritual formation and leadership development. Effective church planters and pastors are leaders of gifted Christians who do the work of ministry. Thus it is important for church planters to know how to assess people’s strengths and weaknesses and how to develop systems of relational training and oversight that guide people to their place of most effective ministry and beyond.

What Our Learners Say:

Going through the Incubator course, I grew leaps and bounds. It taught me what it means to be a church, how to contextualize the gospel to others and it helped me be a better youth teacher and curriculum-writer. The gospel truly speaks to ALL areas of my life. 
Bethany from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Incubator has given me a shield by strengthening my biblical foundation for missions, ministries, and church-planting. With a sharp Gospel-centred mindset, Incubator has trained me to see with the lens of the Gospel so I can be focused on what  matters in my life to the glory of God.
Oliver from Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia
The Incubator has changed the way I am doing ministry. The facilitators helped me see a clearer picture of church planting. They also help me write action plans, develop the philosophy of ministry, and my preaching. I have been greatly blessed by my cohorts from the region. 
Chris, Church Planter from Penang, Malaysia
The Incubator helped me contextualise the gospel and helped me links daily response to the gospel, the rich source of life and steadfast hope. The Team showed unwavering support and I had direct access to trainers who made my growth goals their very own. I recommend this course. 
Gurpreet from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The Incubator course is a practical training that one can go through if God has given them the heart to plant, revitalize, or serve in one's church. The sessions are awesome and enriching, conducted by a group of very passionate trainers. They guide me all the way to forming my philosophy of ministry. Personally, one key takeaway [is that] the fire for ministry [is] fueled by the gospel.
Edwin Chan from Cyberjaya, Malaysia
The Incubator course had taught us how the Gospel affects everything in our lives, including marriage, family, church, cell groups, work, projects, leisure, etc. I was shown that the Gospel lens, based on our doctrinal foundation, readily influences the way our ministries are expressed. As you go through the course, you would surely be challenged to be transformed in Jesus Christ — it would be an awesome experience!
Willy from Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia
"The Incubator Course has helped me slowed down and contemplate the different facets of church planting. I particularly enjoyed the fellowship with fellow participants on progress and prayer needs of
their respective ministries."
Paul, Church Planter from Kuching, East Malaysia
Past Participant's Sharing

             Enrollment for this course is now closed.

In case you would like to talk to someone to get a better understanding of the course, or to be kept updated on when these courses will be run again, just fill up the form below and we will be in t
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Course Fee

829 RM
600 RM for Seminary Students
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